Fall Fertility Roundup: Embrace the Season to Enhance Your Fertility Journey

Fall is a season of change, a time when nature readies itself for the cool embrace of winter. But, it’s also a time filled with fertility-supportive opportunities. This season brings yummy foods rich in the nutrients needed for a thriving reproductive system, and opportunities to thrive in a time of slowing down and moving inward. In this post, we’ll explore some fall-centric ways to support your fertility journey.

  1. Fertility-boosting Fall Foods:

  • Pumpkin and Squash: These fall staples are not just for decorating. They are rich in vitamins A and C, crucial for a healthy reproductive system.

  • Sweet Potatoes: An excellent source of Beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A and helps in the regulation of menstrual cycles.

  • Pomegranates: The antioxidants in pomegranates support a healthy uterine lining and good egg quality.

  • Apples: Filled with fiber, they help in balancing sugar levels, creating a favorable environment for conception.

Pumpkin and Lentil Soup


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 onion, finely chopped

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2 cups pumpkin, peeled and diced

  • 1 cup red lentils, rinsed and drained

  • 4 cups bone broth (or vegetable broth)

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • Fresh parsley or cilantro, for garnish (optional)


  • Preparation: Chop the onion, mince the garlic, and dice the pumpkin into small cubes.

  • Sauté: In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic, sautéing until they become translucent and fragrant.

  • Add Pumpkin and Lentils: Stir in the diced pumpkin, red lentils, ground cumin, and turmeric, ensuring the ingredients are well-mixed.

  • Simmer: Pour in the broth, and bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low, cover, and let simmer for 25-30 minutes until the lentils and pumpkin are tender.

  • Blend: Use an immersion blender to carefully blend the soup until it reaches your desired consistency. Alternatively, you can enjoy it chunkier.

  • Season and Serve: Add salt and pepper to your liking. Serve hot, garnished with fresh parsley or cilantro if desired.

This simple, hearty soup is packed with fertility-supporting nutrients. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins A and C, while lentils provide a good source of protein and folate. The addition of turmeric and cumin not only adds a delightful flavor but also supports immune health and digestion.

2. Morning Sunlight Exposure

As the days shorten, ensuring you catch those precious morning rays is essential. The natural sunlight will help maintain your circadian rhythm, which in turn supports healthy hormonal balance. It’s also vital for immune health, as I discuss a little further down. Whether it’s a morning walk or enjoying your breakfast outdoors, make it a habit to greet the sun, and let its light brighten your path to fertility. Aim for morning light prior to 10 am for the most benefits, but if a lunchtime walk is all you can squeeze in, do that (and really, I’m talking to myself here). Keep those hats and sunglasses off, you want the sunlight to hit your skin and enter through your eyes. You can’t get the full benefits of the sun without these two things (this includes waiting to apply sunscreen until you’ve enjoyed the sun for that first 30 minutes). 

3. Transitioning your Exercise to Fall

The crisp fall air is invigorating, making it a perfect time to enjoy outdoor exercises. Whether it's a gentle hike into the fall foliage, rooftop yoga near the beach, or a bike ride through the rustling leaves, staying active will support your overall well-being and fertility. You might also want to move your activity inside, depending how fast it cools down near you! There are tons of apps for home workouts, My two favorites and what I personally use for exercise are the Peloton App and FitBody by Anna Victoria. I don’t have a bike, but the Peloton App is filled with strength workouts to fit your schedule, from 5 minutes to 45 and beyond. I love it for that quick win you need some days! The FitBody App has 13 different guided programs to follow, and several other on demand programs and classes to follow along to. The other thing I love about that app, is that it comes with a thriving community that Anna Victoria has built, which is supportive and welcoming to all levels of fitness. Here’s a link to check out the FitBody App if this sounds perfect to you!

3. Cooler Weather Makeup & Skincare

With the change in weather, a slight shift in your makeup routine can keep your skin glowing and healthy. Opt for clean, minimal products that enhance your natural beauty and are free from harmful chemicals. Beauty Counter and Citrine Beauty Bar offer a range of products that align with a health-conscious lifestyle. This isn’t an affiliate plug, I truly do love both businesses and personally shop at both! At Citrine, I LOVE Kosas Makeup. I use the Kosas foundation, powder, and blush, but I’m switching away from powder and into cream blush for fall. The colder weather has a tendency to dry out your skin so building moisture is key. A subtle shift to warmer tones can reflect the season and continue to embody a natural, fresh-faced look. Another great brand I use often from Citrine is Jane Iredale - she has a CC cream that’s perfect for all seasons, and has a glow to it. Fall doesn’t have to equate to dull! Beauty Counter has lots to offer, and for me I have mostly stuck to skin care. Switching to a cream cleanser might be a good idea. Their line of skincare called Countertime feels luxurious, has anti-aging properties, and you can rest assured its free from any harmful or hormone disrupting compounds.

4. Seasonal Stress Management

Fall often heralds a busier pace of life which might bring about increased stress levels. It’s important to maintain a stress management practice, such as a guided meditation practice (or even that lunch time walk works), so that you don’t let the holiday seasons pile up on you. And speaking of holidays, fielding questions about your (possibly very private) fertility journey and the dreaded “When are you guys having kids?” Can bring anger, resentment, and the desire to isolate to protect yourself from those moments. Preparing in advance how you might respond to those questions can help alleviate some stress, and it’s okay if your response is “That’s not something I want to talk about today.”

5. Immune Support

 As we gently transition into the cooler months, bolstering your immune system becomes a cornerstone in safeguarding your fertility. A robust immune system acts as a vigilant guardian, ensuring a heathy environment for reproductive health. This fall, support your immunity with nourishing foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, and other essential nutrients. Sunlight is a key cofactor in your body’s ability to maintain a strong immune system, and as I talked about above, even 30 minutes a day of morning sunlight can help. Moreover, consider exploring supportive supplements to bridge any nutritional gaps. I've curated a selection of my favorite fall immune-supportive supplements on Fullscript, which you can explore here. Embracing immune health not only fortifies you against the seasonal sniffles but lays a foundation for wellness throughout the year.

I’ve recently learned of Fire Cider, have you heard about this?

Its essentially a tonic with a base of apple cider vinegar, with warming herbs like thyme and rosemary, and ingredients including garlic, horseradish, ginger, turmeric root, and essentially whatever other warming items you want to add (think hot peppers, onion, citrus even). You infuse it all together for several weeks in a mason jar prior to straining, and then sip daily to aid your digestion or to boost immunity when you feel a cold coming on! There are lots of recipes out here in the internet, and I’m planning to make some this weekend! I’ll share more on Instagram.

7. Swap Out Your Summer for Warm Fall Scents

As the golden leaves of fall drift by your window, it's an inviting time to reconsider the scents that accompany you throughout your day. Traditional fragrances often harbor a cocktail of chemicals which may not align with your fertility journey. Ditch those candles for essential oils you can diffuse and enjoy without the guilt or worry about endocrine disrupting chemicals in artificial fragrance. I have been loving the blend from Doterra called Harvest Spice. Its a blend of CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® Cassia, Clove, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils. Additionally, consider the grounding essence of Clary Sage and the harmonizing touch of Lavender—both renowned for their potential to support hormonal balance and fertility. Both Clary Sage and Lavander you can apply to your skin as well, for different benefits.

Fall is a beautiful metaphor for the fertility journey; it’s all about embracing change, nurturing oneself, and finding hope in the promise of what’s to come. So, immerse yourself in the essence of fall and let it guide you through your fertility journey with renewed optimism and vitality.

XO - Sara


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