About Sara Bennett

Fertility Expert & Functional Wellness Consultant

Meet Sara Bennett!
Sara Bennett is an Integrative Nurse Practitioner turned Functional Wellness Consultant, specializing in fertility optimization.

My Story

I am passionate about helping women optimize their fertility because I’ve walked this journey myself. After experiencing the heartbreak of recurrent miscarriages and the challenges of secondary infertility, I understand the emotional toll that fertility struggles can take. I know the uncertainty, frustration, and grief that can accompany these challenges, and I am here to provide compassionate support and guidance every step of the way.

My journey into functional medicine began with my own fertility struggles. It was incredibly challenging, being told I would need medication in order to carry a baby to term, all the while no one could give me answers as to why I kept miscarrying so early, having light menstrual cycles, or countless other symptoms.

But Then Everything Changed...

The turning point came when I started applying integrative and functional wellness principles to my own life. I discovered the transformative power of a holistic approach to health, focusing on the root causes of my issues rather than just the symptoms. Through functional lab analysis, environmental toxin removal, targeted nutrient therapy, and effective nervous system regulation and stress management, I was able to welcome my daughter into our lives, healthy and happy. This transformation inspired me to help other women facing similar struggles.

Now I'm Able to...

Today, I help driven, busy women optimize their health and prepare for a thriving pregnancy. Using a comprehensive, evidence-based approach, I address unique hormonal and fertility needs, offering one-on-one support and guidance tailored to specifically to you. My mission is to empower women to achieve their dream of a healthy pregnancy and vibrant, lifelong health.

Fun Facts!

I’m learning all about my Human Design -
And I’m a 1/3 Projector, with a Sounding Board Authority (if you hear me talking to myself, no you didn’t)

Self-proclaimed homesteader without the homestead -
I love gardening, making sourdough, and composting (you know, in all the spare time I have).

I’m a mom of two young children -
Balancing family life with my passion for helping other women reach their goals of raising a family, too.

I enjoy staying active -
But can’t follow a fitness routine to save my life, movement is movement in my books!

I’ve become an amateur mocktail mixologist -
Always on the lookout for the next alcohol alternative to enjoy on the patio in my semi-sober-curious era.

Ready to Optimize Your Health and Prepare for a Thriving Pregnancy?

