Traveling, whether for work or pleasure, can 100% be worth all the work that goes into it. Opening doors to new experiences, cultures, adventures, and cuisines. However, for those on a fertility journey, maintaining a balanced, hormone-friendly diet while on the go can pose a unique set of challenges. Our routines get thrown off, we’re often in unfamiliar places, and lets be honest. I’m tasting all the things. This can make adhering to a nutrient-rich diet seem like navigating a culinary minefield. Difficult as it may be, it’s not impossible. With a little planning and knowledge, you can make diet-friendly choices that support your fertility goals even while you’re exploring the world.

The Importance of Diet in Fertility

A well-balanced, nutritious diet is a cornerstone in optimizing fertility. It provides the essential nutrients and energy required for the body's reproductive system to function effectively. The right dietary choices can help regulate hormonal balance, improve egg and sperm quality, and create a conducive environment for conception.

Balancing Blood Sugar Levels

One key aspect of maintaining a fertility-friendly diet is balancing blood sugar levels. With long term uphill swings in sugar, inflammation and insulin resistance can set in, which can throw off hormones in many ways. Inflammation is at the root of SO many hormone related concerns. Nothing can work in it’s normal cycle, and after all, our hormones are one big cycle within us. Further, unstable blood sugar can lead to energy crashes and cravings, potentially leading to less-than-optimal food choices. Opting for balanced snacks that combine proteins, healthy fats, and fiber can help maintain steady energy levels and keep hunger and cravings at bay. With meal time, balance your place with 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% starches; you can usually sub out a carb choice for a vegetable choice at restaurants. Eat your vegetables first, protein second when you can, and starches last for preventing high spikes in your sugar. This is a tip The Glucose Goddess preaches on regularly, she’s a GREAT resource for balancing your insulin levels!

Hydration is Key

Staying adequately hydrated is crucial, especially while traveling. It's common to avoid drinking water on travel days due to concerns about frequent restroom visits, but this can lead to dehydration. It’s vital to increase water intake the day before traveling and continue drinking water throughout the journey. Start by drinking an extra glass upon waking on travel day, and then resume your normal drinking schedule about an hour before arrival to your destination. 

Choosing Fertility-Friendly Snacks

When it comes to choosing snacks, it's essential to opt for those that align with your fertility goals. Here are several snack options that are not only nutritious but also travel-friendly:

  • Raw cashews: to be honest I really much prefer roasted and salted, so much so that I would buy regular over organic in certain situations, but I have a hard time finding any that don’t have inflammatory seed oils on them (they can mess with a whole host of metabolic functions in your body). Another really great nut that nobody thinks about which is excellent for supporting and thickening your endometrial lining and your thyroid are Brazil nuts! They definitely have a nuttier flavor, but I love them! 

  • Dried fruit: because it’s tasty and I like the crunch and that’s just as good a reason as any! Opt for a brand with no sugar added, fruit is sweet enough! Just be sure you pair it with a fat or a protein so that you have a complete snack and you’re keeping your blood sugars regulated. 

  • Beef jerky: look for an option with no added sugar, or any sneaky ingredients like soy. I’m actually not totally opposed to soy like most people in this space, but I do think gluten is a big irritant when it comes to some women’s fertility and definitely auto immune disease, and soy can be a hidden source of gluten if not sourced properly. 

  • Apple Sauce pouches: Hi, I’m 5 years old. Same as the fruit above, pair it with a fat or protein and grab an option with no added sugar. I’m going to have these as a snack with my protein powder midday. 

  • Dark chocolate bar: no reason needed, you can just treat yourself sometimes. I look for options with no sneaky ingredients. A great brand is HU, the oil used is coconut oil which is perfect! Maybe have a piece after dinner each night, it’s best to have your sweets with a meal rather than alone or way after, so that you maintain a stabilized blood sugar easier. 

  • Protein powder: I like to pack a couple scoops in a container and have some with my breakfast (hotel breakfasts are notoriously high carb, highly processed areas). It’s really hard for me to get enough protein throughout the day if I don’t add a protein powder, especially since I can’t eat eggs. YOU should eat eggs though, if you like them, because they’re a great fertility-friendly food! I’ve been using Vitalura whey isolate protein powder the last couple months and it is so smooth and the ingredients are really clean. 

Enjoy the Journey, Stay Nourished

Traveling doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your fertility diet. With conscious choices and preparation, you can enjoy diverse experiences while maintaining a balanced intake of fertility-boosting nutrients. Remember to stay hydrated, balance your blood sugar with complete snacks, and most importantly, enjoy the journey and the opportunities to nourish your body and soul.

Remember, your path to optimized fertility doesn’t pause when you decide to explore. Embrace the adventure, make mindful choices, and don’t forget to treat yourself sometimes!


Coming Soon: My FREE Holistic Fertility Toolkit! Whether you’re just beginning your fertility journey or looking to enhance it, this guide is your starting point to a cleaner, more balanced life conducive to fertility.

 I am asked ALL. THE. TIME. Where do I even begin? You can get lost online looking for the right answers, tracking down advice specific to your situation, or wasting time and dollars on supplements and detoxes marketed to us.  


What’s Inside the Toolkit?

🌱 Clean Living Guide: Understand the importance of a toxin-free life and how to achieve it.

🌱 Daily Toxin Awareness: Discover common toxins you encounter and learn how to minimize exposure. 

🌱 Processed Life and Fertility: Explore how modern, processed lifestyles contribute to fertility roadblocks and how to navigate them. 

🌱 Dietary Guidance: Receive actionable advice on dietary choices to foster fertility. BONUS: My favorite fall fertility-friendly recipes! 

🌱 Exercise Recommendations: Learn about fertility-friendly exercises to incorporate into your routine. 

🌱 Mindfulness Practices: Discover mindfulness techniques to enhance your fertility journey.

🌱 Supplement Suggestions: Get insight into supplements that can support your fertility goals.


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