The #1 Question About Pregnancy Planning I Get Asked All the Time

In the realm of pregnancy planning, the questions are as varied and complex as the journey itself. Yet, amidst all the inquiries, one question consistently rises to the surface: "When should I start preparing for pregnancy?" This underscores a vital aspect of fertility often overshadowed by the rush towards immediate treatments and interventions—the foundational importance of preconception care. Today, we peel back the layers of conventional fertility narratives to spotlight the critical window before conception, a period pivotal for optimizing egg quality and enhancing overall fertility potential.

The Critical Three-Month Window

Science tells us that the journey to conception begins long before a positive pregnancy test. Specifically, the three months leading up to conception represent a golden window of opportunity to influence egg quality. During this period, eggs undergo a maturation process, preparing for ovulation and potential fertilization. It's within this timeframe that lifestyle choices, nutrition, and overall health have the most direct impact on the eggs' environment and, subsequently, their quality. Understanding this critical window illuminates the profound effect preconception care can have on fertility, challenging the notion that immediate fertility treatments are the sole pathway to pregnancy.

Debunking A Common Misconception

The fertility landscape is fraught with myths, including the pervasive belief that fertility treatments are the first line of action for all conception challenges. This perspective often sidelines the crucial role of egg health and the impact of preconception care. Contrary to this view, evidence increasingly supports the notion that preparing the body and mind for pregnancy can significantly enhance fertility outcomes. This preparation includes not just physical health but also the emotional and mental well-being necessary for the journey ahead.

In short, IUI and IVF aren’t going to fix underlying reasons for difficulty conceiving - your metabolic health, inflammation, immune system, gut health, or cellular energy production. These things should, and frankly, have to come first.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Foundations for Fertility

Embarking on a preconception care plan involves holistic lifestyle adjustments aimed at creating an optimal environment for conception:

  • Reducing Stress: Managing stress through mindfulness, yoga, or other relaxation techniques can positively affect hormonal balance and fertility.

  • Improving Sleep Quality: Ensuring adequate restorative sleep supports hormone regulation and overall health.

  • Regular Exercise: Moderate, consistent physical activity can improve fertility by reducing stress, balancing hormones, and enhancing physical health.

  • Avoiding Toxins: Limiting exposure to environmental toxins and harmful substances supports egg quality and fertility.

  • Targeted Supplementation:

    • Prenatals: My favorite brands are Needed Optimal Prenatal (use code ORIGINSFERTILITY for 20% off your first purchase) and FullWell Prenatal (Receive 10% off your first purchase with code: ORIGINS10)

    • Omega 3s: My preferred brand is Nordic Naturals due to the purity testing they put their products through

    • Antioxidants: Vitamin C, E, NAC, etc - a fertility specialist will be able to help you determine the best antioxidant supplement for your needs

Nutrition plays a crucial role in this period. A diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and essential vitamins supports egg maturation and hormonal balance. Foods such as leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, and whole grains are particularly beneficial. However, navigating the world of supplements and nutritional adjustments should be done with professional guidance to ensure safety and efficacy.

Tailoring Your Preconception Plan

Each individual's journey to fertility is unique, necessitating a personalized approach to preconception care. Collaborating with healthcare providers, such as an myself as an Arizona integrative medicine specialist and fertility expert, allows for the development of a preconception plan that addresses specific health histories, lifestyles, and fertility goals. This tailored plan is a roadmap, guiding prospective parents through the preparatory steps towards conception with informed, health-focused decisions.

Implementing Your Plan

Starting your preconception journey involves proactive steps towards enhancing your fertility. Scheduling a preconception check-up, adopting a balanced lifestyle, and aligning with a healthcare provider to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments are all integral to this process.


The pathway to pregnancy is as much about preparation as it is about conception. Viewing preconception care as an empowering step allows individuals to take charge of their fertility, laying a strong foundation for a healthy pregnancy and baby. This journey of preparation is an investment in the future health of one's family, embodying the essence of proactive, informed reproductive care.

Are you ready to take the first step on your journey to optimal fertility? Download our comprehensive preconception checklist today and start preparing for a healthy pregnancy with confidence. Whether you're just beginning to think about pregnancy or actively working towards conceiving, this checklist will guide you through the essential steps for preconception care. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to support your fertility journey. Download the preconception checklist now and embrace a holistic approach to your family's future.

XO Sara


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